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Configure your Plezi

Alert on new MQL, interest, add Favicon, ideas that will save you time (and leads)

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

Go to your Plezi configuration here : Settings --> Plezi configuration

🚀 Let's start with what's new!

A. Plezi identifies the interests of your contacts who read your blog posts

💥 Plezi automatically adds an interest to a contact if they have seen X (your choice of) blog posts tagged with that interest

So Plezi helps you to :

  • Segment your database

  • Identify the interests of your contacts

  • Send smart campaigns with even more intelligence

What should you do now?

  • Add interest to each of your blog posts in Plezi.

  • Choose the number of articles to read to gain the interest associated with it.

Easy! 🥳

Are you using interest in Tag? No need to ask the question of "preferential or exclusive?" both work 😉If you're wondering about the interest field, I invite you to read this article, the same is true if you want to know more about tags.

B. Plezi alerts your sales person as soon as a lead needs to be called

Plezi automatically sends an email to your sales team as soon as a lead exceeds the number of points you have chosen.

Based on the same principle as alerts following the submission of a form, Plezi offers you to alert one or more contacts as soon as a lead has earned the sufficient number of points to be called.

What you need to do:

  • Identify the number of points at which you consider your contact "mature";

  • Validate that your forms allow you to collect enough information on this lead to pass it on to your sales representative.

To do this, talk to your sales team. If you want to know how we do it, watch this webinar in which one of our sales people, Charles, gives you his feedback.

What's in the email? The important info, a link to the contact in Plezi & the fields filled in by your visitor.

C. Make your LPs visible by adding a favicon

💥 Last but not least, customize your landing page tabs with your favicon.

And what doesn't change, but is worth a look

A. General: configurations related to your environment

The "time zone" section allows you to imagine the Plezi of tomorrow: developments are underway to use it.

B. Web: the "technical" information

URLs of your blogs: Indicate here the URLs of your blogs, this will be useful to differentiate your blog in the tracking of visits (see reports).

Web IP tracking to be filtered: If you wish to filter your own visits, this is possible, simply enter your IP here.

Hosting domain for your Landing Pages: this was determined during your technical set-up. Hosting domain for your email redirects: you can use 1 or more domain names.

List of your tracking codes: you are at the right place to add your GA and GTM codes. To know more about it, it's here.

C. Contacts

This article will tell you everything, and absolutely eeeeveryyythiiing about contact deletions :)

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