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How do I import my contacts?
How do I import my contacts?

Use your database to power your Plezi and educate your contacts by importing them! All the tips and tricks you need to know with Plezi.

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

To import your database to your Plezi account, look here!


  • What language is your Plezi account in? If it’s in English, it will only understand English values (the same applies for French). Be careful not to mix the two.

  • Have you configured your fields and created your lists of values?

  • Have you identified which contacts to import (a sound database is required to develop your reputation and optimise your deliverability)?

  • Have you checked that the cells perfectly match the wording in your lists of values (cases, capitals, spelling, spaces etc.)?

  • Is your file definitely a CSV file?

  • On Mac: use “CSV UTF-8”;

  • On Windows use “Comma delimited”

How to add your contacts?

Download our example file to use as a template by clicking here


To import your contacts

  1. Check that your import file does not contain any errors.

  2. You’ll find the main kinds of errors in this article.

  3. Go to “Configuration > Import contacts”;

  4. Click on “+ Import”;

  5. Browse for your CSV file;

  6. Click on “next step”;

  7. Choose the type of import: create new contacts or also update existing contacts?

  8. Name your contact list if you want to find it later in the form of a static list in your contact lists. ⚠️ If you do not give a name to your import, as shown in the screen below, your contacts will only be imported into your contact base, there will be no creation of a contact list ⚠️

9. Mapping: reconcile the column headings in your file and the different fields that you have defined in Plezi;

10. Click “Import your contacts”

11. Plezi will then offer to take you to your contacts and will send you a short email summarising the main import information:

  • The number of contacts initially present in the file;

  • The number of contacts updated in Plezi;

  • The number of newly created contacts’

  • The number of errors.

Any trouble ? Read the following articles: My import doesn’t seem to be working

Things you need to know :
Existing contacts are identified using the email address;
If a field is not mapped, the import will take place excluding this field (which will not be entered/updated);
10,000 is the maximum number of rows (or contacts) that you can import.
By default, if you leave the NPAI and Opt-In columns empty, Plezi will consider them to be NPAI “No” and Opt-In “Yes”. If you leave these columns empty, your contacts will definitely be part of your email-campaign sending lists.

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