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CRM Microsoft Dynamics

Learn how to synchronize Plezi with your Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

Pre-requisite :

  • To have the bi-directional connector

  • To have a Dynamics instance

  • To have access to the Microsoft Azure portal

  • To have a Leads module with already defined fields 

If you are lost, it may be because you missed our article explaining the configuration of the CRM-Plezi connector.
Before continuing, I strongly invite you to have a look at it 👀.

Creating a Microsoft Dynamics application
To create a Dynamics application, simply go to your Microsoft Azure portal.

  • Click on "Azure Active Directory"

  • App registrations

  • New registration 

Once the application is created, you will see the application appear, click on it. An overview will then appear. Copy and paste your Application (client ID) into your Plezi instance. 

  • Click on "Certificates & Secrets to generate a new secret"

  • "New secret client" : Once generated think well to immediately copy and paste the secret.

  • Then click on "API permissions"

  • Add permission. Select "DynamicsCRM > user_impersonation"

Your setup should look like this: 

Plezi configuration

On your Plezi instance, go to "Settings > Settings API/CRM"

  • Copy and paste the client id and secret client from the previous steps.

  • The Dynamics CRM url field corresponds to the URL address of your CRM.

  • Once all the fields are filled (check that there are no spaces), you can now update your configuration.

Please note: you may be directed to the dynamics portal where you will be asked to enter your username and password. Once entered, you will be taken to your Plezi configuration page.

Synchro steps

Fields to create in Dynamics for a Lead:

  • plezi_url (URL) is used to link directly from Dynamics to Plezi's contact form.

Fields to be created in Dynamics for a Contact:

  • new_sync_to_plezi (type checkbox) allows you to filter the retrieval of contacts: only those checked will be sent to Plezi. Possibility to make mass updates: set the default field "false" and to retrieve contacts => make a "mass" update.

🚨 These mandatory fields must appear in the mapping 🚨

If the box is checked in Plezi BUT the field doesn't exist in Dynamics, the sync will not work !

Do the mapping in Plezi, activating the fields and senses of your choice. 

NB 1: The mandatory Plezi fields appear in the mapping but are disabled. You don't have to touch them and can leave them disabled.

NB 2: You can put the special Plezi non-mandatory fields (score, status) in the Plezi direction --> CRM only, to transmit this information to your CRM. 

The score field must be mapped with the Plezi behaviour_score field and the status field with the Plezi state field.

Tips and Tricks
The automatic synchro takes place every 2 hours as well as every time a form is submitted. It takes into account the modifications & creation of new contacts;
If you modify a setting (add a field, change a direction...) you have to launch a manual synchro to update the data.

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