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How do I synchronize my contacts between Plezi and my CRM via the integrated connector?
How do I synchronize my contacts between Plezi and my CRM via the integrated connector?

Learn about the two options for connecting Plezi and your CRM via a one-way interface with Zapier or a two-way interface.

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over 3 years ago


  • You have subscribed to Plezi’s bi-directional connector.

To get to the synchronisation interface, go to the “Configuration” tab and click on the line "Configuration API / CRM"

(If you don’t see this line, contact our CSM team on our chat tool)

Once you get to the interface, several tabs are available: 

  • Configuration (A), to configure your basic login details; 

  • History (B), which lists all synchronizations that will be made;

  • the list of CRMs supported on Plezi (C) 

Tab A: Configuration

This is where you go to:

  • activate your synchronization; 

  • filter which contacts to synchronise between Plezi and your CRM;

  • decide on which employees to alert during synchronizations. 

Follow these steps to launch your first synchronization: 

  1. Start the synchronization by clicking on the OFF/ON button

When the light is green, the system synchronizes the data between your CRM and Plezi: 

  • in both directions, based on the last date on which the data was modified, and this every two hours;

  • a synchronization is also performed after each Plezi form submitted by a visitor to your website.

Once your configuration is complete, you can perform the synchronization.

2. Filter “who” to import into Plezi 

Your CRM (with the exception of Pipedrive) distinguishes between: 

  • LEADS: everyone who might be interested in your business, but who haven’t yet been converted into an opportunity; 

  • CONTACTS: everyone that has been converted into an opportunity (for example, following a sale).

The idea is to know “who” you are going to load into Plezi, depending on your needs and objectives: 

  • Do you only want to nurture and qualify your leads? 

==> This is the default option. The “LEADS box in your CRM” is already ticked for you ;) 

  • Do you also want to retain your CONTACTS?

==> In this case, tick the “CONTACTS” box in your CRM”. 

Note: These contacts will not be synchronized in both directions, but only from your CRM to Plezi because they’re considered to be the property of your sales staff.

  • Among these CONTACTS, are there any that you don’t want to import into Plezi? 

==> Also tick the box "Filter your CRM contacts".
To do this, you have to create a custom field for your contacts called sync_to_plezi (exact spelling). Only contacts for which this information is ticked will be synchronized. Through your CRM you’ll be able to put in place rules in order to activate this field according to criteria determined by you.

3. Filter which Plezi contacts to export into your CRM 

The “trigger” for sending contacts generated through Plezi to your CRM is the score! The idea is therefore to indicate a minimum score from which your Plezi contacts will be sent to your sales staff.  

4. Indicate which employee email addresses to notify upon each synchronization 

You can enter as many email addresses as needed. Simply separate them with a semicolon ( ; ).  These people will receive this type of email with each synchronization: 

5. Is that all? All you need to do now is update the configuration! 

By clicking on:

You can come back to your configuration settings at any time.

Tab B: History 

This tab lets you: 

  • Consult all synchronizations performed since the last login. Note: 1 line = 1 direction 

  • Knowing the details of contacts created / updated / rejected during a synchronization To do this, simply click on the numbers indicated within the synchronization lines. 

  • Manually synchronizing all your contacts, by clicking on the pink button in the top right. If the attribute fields and their synchronization direction are modified, you will need to click on this button in order to synchronize all contacts between Plezi and your CRM for these new values.

What are created / updated / rejected contacts? 

  • Created contacts: this is the first time that a contact appears in Plezi or your CRM. 

> Example of contact creation from the CRM to Plezi:
Your sales rep met John Smith at a trade show. They created the file for this lead in the CRM. At the next synchronization, this contact will be created in Plezi. 

> Example of contact creation from Plezi to the CRM:
Someone submits a Plezi form and they are not previously known to Plezi or your CRM. At the next synchronization, this contact will be created in your CRM. 

  • Updated contacts: these are contacts that already existed in your Plezi account AND your CRM (with the same email address) and for which new information has been entered in one of the two tools. 

> Example of a contact update from the CRM to Plezi:
Following a call with John Smith, you sales rep has gathered more information about them and has entered it into the CRM. At the next synchronization, the information about John Smith will be updated in Plezi. 

> Example of a contact update from Plezi to the CRM:
John Smith has asked to download content through a Plezi form.  New information has been entered into the form (which neither Plezi nor your CRM held). At the next synchronization, the information about John Smith will be updated in your CRM. 

Note: It is the date of the last contact-record update that is used during the synchronization.

  • Rejected contacts: these are contacts that could not be sent from one app to another. (the reason being shown for each of them)

> From your CRM to Plezi:These contacts are rejected mainly because the contact concerned does not have an email address entered in the CRM. For a contact to exist in Plezi, they must have an email address. 

> From Plezi to your CRMThe reasons may be varied and related to the specific features of your CRM.
This may be linked to the fact that the Plezi contact has no information entered for a mandatory field in your CRM.
It may also be related to converted leads in your CRM, which your sales reps have control of, and which prevent us from updating your CRM so they don’t overwrite the efforts of your sales reps.

Tab C: Specific features of your CRM and field mapping

Once you have set up the basics of your connector, go to the tab corresponding to your connector. To find out about the specific features of each CRM, read the corresponding articles: Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zoho, Hubspot, Base, SAP C4C. 

An example with Salesforce: 

This tab allows you to do two things: 

   1/ Enter your CRM login details

The information will differ according to the CRMs 

   2/ Map your fields between Plezi and your CRM

For each field, you have the option: 

  • to request activation, by clicking the ON/OFF button;

  • to map the Plezi fields that correspond to your CRM’s fields;

  • to select the synchronization direction: you can decide to export a field only from Plezi to the CRM (-->), from the CRM to Plezi (<--), or in both directions (<-->). 

An example of our Plezi/HubSpot connector: 

Which fields deserve your attention: 

  • The text fields in your CRM corresponding to “multiple-selection” or “drop-down” fields in Plezi (e.g. Function)

All the values associated with a particular field in the CRM will enter your lists of Plezi values. If this field is required in a Plezi form, this means that all the values will be displayed for the visitors to your forms (there can therefore be several / you can use specific terms). 

  • The fields calculated in Plezi (e.g. score): these will not be exported from the CRM to Plezi. 

It is therefore pointless to request a synchronization of the score in the CRM --> Plezi direction. 

  • The source fields 

The source of a contact differs depending on the platform where it was originally created: a source of traffic in Plezi (organic, referrer etc.), a source known by your sales rep in the CRM (trade show, networking, etc.).

Take the time to think about which fields you are going to export from one tool to another. Once your have mapped your fields, simply click on the button “Update the configuration”, and that’s it! 

Please note: you can always add & enable (or disable) a mapped field.

The little detail that will make you smile :)  

Once a new contact has been created or updated in your CRM or Plezi, you can easily retrace their record in each tool. 

This way, your sales rep can go to the contact’s record in Plezi (don’t forget to give them Sales access) and consult the history of their visits and downloads on your site. Not bad if you want to find out more about their prospects! 

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