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The maturity of contact

How does my base evolve over time? Interpretation tips on this report to simply understand the maturity of your contacts.

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

Head to the report page to have access to this information!

What is the point of this report?

  • This report is a photo taken on the last day of the month, which summarizes the number of leads at that moment in each phase.  It therefore shows the current stock of leads. 

  • Its objective is to see how your contact base evolves over time. 

  • It allows you to compare, month after month, whether your stock is growing in each phase.

What is taken into account?

This report is a picture: each lead can only be at one stage. There are therefore no duplicates (unlike the report on the evolution of contacts in the buying cycle).

How to analyze this report?

The total of a phase corresponds to the number of contacts having entered this phase + the number of contacts having been stored there the previous month.

You must check that your discovery phase has sufficient power to move contacts into the next phases.

Tips & Tricks 

All these figures are clickable & the lists are exportable.

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