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Difficult subjects regarding RSS Feed

Images and extracts that don't come up? No need to panic! Several cases are solved to solve all your problems related to RSS feeds!

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will cover :

  • How to select how many posts are imported through my RSS feed (Wordpress);

  • How to load my article “summary” to automatically populate the “teaser” field in Plezi;

  • Why are my images not loading in Plezi?

Case n° 1 : How to select how many posts are imported through my RSS feed (Wordpress)?

The number of articles being imported…

Your blog’s RSS feed will not automatically include all of your posts. This depends on your blog’s configuration and, by default, Wordpress sets the number of articles sent at just 10.

To change this configuration in Wordpress:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Click on Reading

  3. Choose the number of posts you want to show in your feed.

Case n°2 : How to load my article “summary” to automatically populate the “teaser” field in Plezi?

What’s the point?

The “teaser” field for blogs will automatically populate your newsletter and can also be inserted automatically into a landing page. 

You can see it here, for example: 

It must therefore be concise and appealing to encourage readers to click on the link leading to your blog.

Where do I configure this in WordPress?

First of all, you need to make sure that this WordPress option has been activated in the “screen options”, by clicking here.  

Next, you need to write this short text. Be careful! It is not the meta-description that must be completed, but a field called “Summary”.

Finally, you need to make sure that your RSS feed will show the information in Plezi. To do this: 

  1. 1.Go to Settings

  2. 2.Click on Reading

  3. 3.Choose to add the summary: 

Tips and Tricks!

  • Have you configured the number of articles that must load in your Plezi account using your RSS feed (case n°1 in the article)?

Case n°3 : Why are my images not loading in Plezi?

My RSS feed has been set up, I can see my articles, but there aren’t any images.

In order for your blog images to load automatically in Plezi via your RSS feed, the tag “og:image” must be present and complete in your blog-post’s code.

An example of what it looks like : 

Check with your webmaster that this is definitely the case, and ask them to add it if necessary.

Once this tag has been inserted, Plezi will try to import the image, every day at 2:00am.

Tips and Tricks!

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