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How do I add an event to a Plezi contact record with Zapier?
How do I add an event to a Plezi contact record with Zapier?

I want to add a event to my contact’s history following an external action (that I can benefit from to allocate points).

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

Before starting: 

  • Creating a Zapier account only takes a few minutes. For less than 5 zaps, the free version is enough. Otherwise, take a look at their offers.  

  • Since March 2019, Plezi, used as a Zapier ACTION, has allowed you to add an even to your contacts’ records. 

Thanks to this new action in Zapier, you indicate when a lead has:

  • taken part in one of your webinars or events: EventBrite, GoToWebinar.. 

  • has had a discussion with you on the phone;

  • has sent you and email or message on chat;

  • can you think of anything else? 

There are plenty of other possible examples: 

  • If you starting app offers the trigger that you need (new conversation. new participation etc.) ==> choose it as a TRIGGER

  • otherwise you’re perfectly able to use a spreadsheet to communicate the information to Plezi ==> choose Google Spreadsheet or Excel as a TRIGGER

To show you how to use this Zap, let’s start with a silly example: save to Plezi the “check-in” of a contact that has taken part in an EventBrite event. 

Step-by-Step: letting Plezi know that a contact has taken part in my event.

  1. 1.Click on “Make a zap”;

2. Give your zap a name (in the top left); 

Start with the TRIGGER: 

3. Choose the Eventbrite app;

4. Choose your trigger: New attendee Check-in

5. Choose / connect your Eventbrite account

6. In “Edit Option” enter the number of your even and its status (Live, ended etc.) 

7. You can test the presence of a contact in your Eventbrite account (this is purely advisory!)

All good? So now you move on to the ACTION:

8. Choose the Plezi app;

9. Select the action that you want to carry out. In this case: Add Event to Contact ;

10. Select your Plezi account.

If this is your first zap with Plezi, you need to enter:

  • your Plezi API key

  • and the exact name of your instance (on the grey horizontal bar at the top of you Plezi page)

11. In “Edit template":

  • Match the Plezi email field with the email field of the Eventbrite;contact; 

  • Describe the event that you want to see appear in your contacts’ record, e.g. “took part in the User Group”. 

  • Fill in the number of points to associate with this event in the contact’s record. If you don’t want to add a score, put 0 

NB 2020 : in this case, we don't actually create a "score event" in Plezi, so those points can't be used in the contacts lists, in the smartcampaign, in the MQL dashboard or trigger an update in your CRM.

12. Once validated, Zapier summarises your zap and allows you to test your sample contact, in your Plezi account. 

This allows you to check that everything has been added to their history correctly. 

All good? WELL DONE! 

13. Now all you need to do is select a folder in which to save your Zap and to activate it using the “on/off” button. 

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