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Importing your lists values

How do I import values from a "drop down" or "multiple selection" list into Plezi? Learn how to use your tools !

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago


  • To create your “drop-down list” in Plezi, take a look here;

  • Go to your Plezi account to import your list of values

Why use an excel spreadsheet to import my values?

With Plezi you have the option to import your lists of values with XLSX files. These are very useful when you have a list of countries, for example, or even a (very) long list of functions.

To do this, in your lists of values: 

• Click on "Import in XLSX format" then, in the pop-up, on "Click here and complete the template in order to be able to download it below"

Please note: • The English value is mandatory for importing the document.• The Key is the unique identifier of the value. It’s with this key that Plezi knows if this value is new or already exists. If this value is new, then this new value will be added during the import. However, if the key already exists, then the translations will be modified with the values entered in the import file.

• If you do not enter the key, it will be defined in relation to the English value.

Example: English value: IT DeveloperKey: it-developer

When your file is ready, select “choose file” in the pop-up window and import your values into Plezi.

Tips and Tricks 

  • These values will then be used in your forms and must be in synch with those in your import files.

  • Be careful : you can't have any empty cells or columns in your file !

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