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Integration between Plezi and Salesforce
Integration between Plezi and Salesforce

To connect Plezi to your CRM and bring up your leads, what are the steps to follow? We explain everything you need to know.

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago


In order to use the synchronisation between Plezi and your CRM, you must be able to generate an API gateway as well as a specific user key.

If the key is specific to a user, will the other accounts also have access to the information? 

Of course! But to create an API link with Salesforce, you need a user, considered to be the origin of the data transaction.  The ideal solution is to have a specific user account, but a current account will also work.

Is your edition of Salesforce capable of using the connector? 

It is possible that the API is not activated or activating depending on the type of agreement you have with Salesforce. 

Check that you have one of the following Salesforce agreements: 

  • Enterprise Edition

  • Unlimited Edition

  • Developer Edition

  • Performance Edition

The following agreements to not allow you to activate the API: Contact Edition / Group Edition / Professional Edition. If this applies to you, contact Salesforce to upgrade to one of the editions listed above. 

I. What steps should I follow?

You need to gather several pieces of information which you’ll find in the configuration screen of the Salesforce connection in Plezi:

The consumer key and the client secret

Your security token linked to your user account

The URL of your account / Your Username / Your Password 

1. Create a consumer key and client secret

Go to your Salesforce page and click on “Configuration” in the top right.

Then go to the Applications Manager section.

(If you can’t find the Applications Manager section, you are probably in an old version of Salesforce and can find out what to do here)

Using the button in the top right, create a new connected App. Enter:

  • The name of the connected App, for example Plezi

  • The email address of the contact that manages the Salesforce account

  • You must activate the API (OAuth) settings: - Enter the following list in the Reminder URL (one link per line)

  • Add the following items to the selected OAuth domains

a. Access and manage your data (API)
b. Make requests in your name at any time
c. Obtain full access 

You can leave the rest as it is and save this application. 

 A screen will show you that all this will be effective very soon and then a summary page will appear. This is important. 

Take care to copy the following information in a document that you keep separate.

  • the “consumer key"

  • the “consumer secret" that you will find by clicking “Click to display”

Make sure you are on the account used to configure the API and go to the user-account settings.

Simply go straight to Reset the security token, and click on the button allowing you to do this. The security token will then be emailed to the user.  Consider re-copying this key and the other information in the same document.

>> !! Attention! Salesforce has a very strict security policy and regularly asks you to reset its password (every 3 months). This is automatic, and as such, the security token will no longer work. It is important you understand that you have to both reset your password for your user account and reset your security token as mentioned above. Otherwise, the API will no longer work!If you ever notice that your synchronization between Plezi And Salesforce is interrupted while everything is working normally, you can be certain that this is the cause of the problem. 

3. ULR and user information

The latest information is the most simple to recover.

  • For your Salesforce instance URL, go to your Salesforce account and copy the URL used. e.g. 

  • Your username and password are simply what you use to login to your account.

Finalising the configuration

You now have all the information you need!

So go to your Plezi account, Configuration > API/CRM Configuration and then to the Salesforce tab.Enter the information that you’ve gathered and if everything is correct, once you have clicked the Update your Configuration button, you should see a list of Plezi contact attributes to map with those of your Salesforce instance. 

II. Synchronisation stages 

1. Fields to create/harmonize

A/ Think about the Salesforce fields that you want to load in Plezi, and vice-versa  B/ Make sure you have the Salesforce fields in Plezi C/ Make sure you have Plezi fields in Salesforce 

Fields you must create in Salesforce for a LEAD:

plezi_url (“text-type field"). This allows your sales rep to go directly to the contact’s Plezi record 

Field you must create in Salesforce for a CONTACT:

  • sync_to_plezi (“single option”-type field with/without value). This allows you to select contacts in the CRM that will be imported into Plezi. By default, it’s up to you to decide the value that will be attributed to this field for all contacts Those that are ticked “yes” will be imported. 

Special Plezi fields to create in Salesforce if you want to send this information (unidirectional):

  • score (text-type field). This is the score of the lead calculated in Plezi (0 to 50) => it’s called the “behaviour_score” in Plezi

  • status(text-type field). This corresponds to the status of the lead identified in Plezi (Closed, Accepted, Engaged etc.) => this is called the “state” in Plezi

Please note: 

Your contacts in Plezi and on the CRM must have an email address in order to be synchronized;

During a two-way synchronization, LEADS can be synchronised in both directions. We consider that changes to and the creation of new CONTACTS is up to the sales department. No actions are therefore possible for a Contact in Plezi -> CRM, but we do gather Contacts from the CRM -> Plezi.

2/ Map contacts in Plezi by activating the fields and the directions of your choice. 

> The mandatory Plezi fields appear in the mapping page but are disabled. You don’t have to touch these and can leave them disabled.

> You can put non-mandatory, special Plezi fields (score, status) in the Plezi --> direction only, to send this data to your CRM. 

> The score field must be mapped with the Plezi field behaviour_score and the status field with the Plezi field state.


Everything will then be in place and all you have to do is start synchronising! 

Tips and Tricks

Here at Plezi, email addresses are unique forms of identification, so there’s no risk of duplicates! But...check for duplicated email addresses in your CRM: if you have two leads with the same email address (but different information), Plezi will update the second lead with the information from the first.

You can add and synchronise new fields when you want to. Create equivalences in both tools and return to mapping: the new field will appear in the last position;

Automatic synchronisation takes places every two hours as well as each time a form is submitted. It takes into account the changes to contacts and the creation of new contacts;

If you change a setting (add a field, change a direction etc.) you need to launch a manual synchronisation to update the information;

Function field: if it’s a free field in your CRM, only use it in one direction (Plezi > SF), otherwise all the existing functions in your CRM will load in Plezi...and mess it up!

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