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How to create an automatic newsletter?

Automatically send your articles to your subscribers and improve your SEO while maintaining a rapport with your contacts

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago
  • For your newsletter in your Plezi account, take a look here!


  • Have you added your RSS blog feed to Plezi?

  • Have you tagged your latest blog articles?

  • Have you created a subscription form for this newsletter to add to your blog and website?

The purpose of a newsletter is to maintain contact with your visitors by automatically sending them regular articles from your blog.

The aim is not to present your products, but to encourage visitors to visit your blog and to demonstrate your expertise. They are different from email campaigns, sent from time to time to inform chosen contacts about something specific (an offer, update etc.).

This newsletter must save you time by being configured when it is created, so:

  • No editorial update with each delivery;

  • No choosing a database, which is updated automatically

  • No tedious selection of articles to send.

Create it, forget it and enjoy the results 😊

To create your newsletter:

Create your newsletter and set the frequency : go to the "Automation" tab :

1. Click “+New scenario” and choose “Newsletter”;

2. Give it a title and indicate which list of contacts to include in the scenario;

3. Choose how frequently you want to send your newsletter and the date/time it is sent;

4. Determine the date it is first sent;

5. Choose an email template;

6. Click on “next step”. We get to the editor;

Customise your newsletter:

1. Define an email subject that is generic and customise the sender;

2. Customise the email with our different blocks;

A crucial moment! Add your articles:

1. Choose the block “Blog 1” OR the block “Blog 2” OR the "Blog 3" OR the "Blog 4" (only one of the two). The difference is how the blocks are presented;

2. Add the chosen block by dragging it and dropping it from the left side to the right side of the screen (just once!)

3. Click on the image of the block: this brings up the block’s customisation module in the left-hand column of the editor;

4. Choose the type of content (currently, it is only blog articles. Make sure that you select it);

5. Define the rule of choice for the selected blog articles:

The latest content published (from top to bottom, articles will appear from the most recent to the oldest);

The most popular content (from top to bottom, articles will appear from the most to the least visited);

The content that matches your contacts’ tags.

6. Determine the number of articles that must be sent in this newsletter by clicking on the image block and changing the number in the column:

7. Test…correct (if needed)…save…and activate your newsletter!

Watch the video guide:

(Coming soon...)

Tips and Tricks!

  • The list of contacts used to create the newsletter will only subscribe contacts that are on it when the newsletter is created. It does not then update them.

  • The subject of the email must be generic to avoid having to come back regularly to the newsletter to customise the subject;

  • The articles are chosen by Plezi from among the new articles shared since sending the previous newsletter;

  • Tests: Plezi automatically adds articles that are likely to be sent in your next newsletter. If you have new articles, Plezi will pick indifferently from your articles to show you the overall preview.

  • Contacts that fill in your newsletter subscription form will automatically be added to the send list IF, in the Workflow part, you have ticked the section “Automatically subscribe contacts to the list below” and chosen your newsletter;

  • If you want to subscribe some of your contacts to your newsletter yourself, simply carry out an import with the “email” and “Subscription” columns, accurately indicating the name of your newsletter in this final column.

  • If the message “No new content corresponding to your selection criteria has been added since the last newsletter was sent,” appears, consider checking the tags that you indicated in the purchasing phase, country or sector of the content to see if your content also has the tag, or if you don’t need to add it from the content in one of the fields.

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