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How does scoring work?

Who earns points, how and when? A look back at Plezi's best practices for identifying your most mature leads

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago

Why use scoring?

Scoring allows you to measure the progress of your contacts in your sales tunnel. This scoring should be associated with the different stages of your buying cycle: discovery, evaluation & purchase.

When and how do you assign a score?

The score is the number of points given by Plezi to each action performed by your visitor.

Plezi allows you to award points for the following actions:

  • Visiting a page on your site, a landing page or an article;

  • Submitting a form;

  • Opening or clicking an email.

On a content, to edit the scoring details, click on Options > Edit, and then scroll:

We suggest the following good practices:

  • Give few points (0 or 1) for reading an article, opening/clicking an email or submitting a newsletter registration form;

  • Give 5 points for submitting a form associated with discovery content;

  • Give 20 points for submitting a form associated with evaluation content;

  • Give 40 points to the submission of a form associated with a purchase content or an important page of your site (e.g.: contact request).

Why these choices?

It all depends on your strategy and the amount of content you have imported into Plezi. The aim of scoring is to measure the progress of each of your contacts in your funnel, and therefore their engagement.

The choice of points according to the type of content (accessible to all or after submitting a form):

Plezi users tell us that a contact who has read one or more blog articles, opened or clicked on their emails is not yet "engaged", whereas a contact who is ready to leave their details in a form is engaged, which is why we recommend that you give them a greater number of points.

The choice of points according to the stage of the buying cycle to which a content belongs:

As we will see when setting up your smart campaigns, scoring allows you to identify the stage each of your contacts is in.

Our clients' best practice is generally:

  • 0 -> 20 points: discovery phase;

  • 20 -> 40 points: evaluation phase;

  • > 40 points: decision phase.

So, if you follow our point allocation recommendations, see above, your contacts will download several pieces of discovery content before moving on to the evaluation phase, which is typical behaviour.20 points for evaluation phase content means that you will know as soon as the first piece of content is downloaded that the contact is in the evaluation phase.40 points for decision phase content means that you will know to pick up the phone quickly when a contact asks for one!

Tips & Tricks!

If you don't have a lot of content, change your strategy: give more points to content in the discovery phase, for example, but don't forget to change these parameters when you feed your content base!

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