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Delegating your subdomains

How do you create your subdomains with hosts Gandi, Amazon and OVH? Have you already put in place your DNS and have questions ?

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago


Case 1: you’re going to start onboarding and your CSM has sent you the presentation of the set-up technique. Perfect. The first step, without further ado, is to send you choice of subdomains to, so we can send you your dedicated guide (details below).

Case 2: Have you already put in place your DNS and have questions? Ask us at the following address:


A sub-domain is an extension of your domain name. For example, is a sub-domain of

In order to build rapport with your audience when they receive an email sent by Plezi or when they are on your landing page published from Plezi, you need to create new sub-domains.

You need to following these steps:

1. Send the three chosen DNS’s to, so we can send you the implementation guide;

2. Carry out the technical configuration by contacting your webmaster;

3. Tell us a so we can finalise the checks.

Is your router Sendgrid? Ours too! Tell us when you send your choice of DNS’s (otherwise you’ll have to configure the DNS’s a second time ☹)

Here are the details of each step:

Step 1: Choose three sub-domain names to let us know about

  • The first allows us to send emails from your domain. This sending domain must be like the end of your email, in the form

  • For example, at Plezi our emails are


E.g. at Plezi we use

 Note: if you want to send your Plezi emails from several domains, let us know.

The second lets you track clicks on emails. The links contained in your emails will be rewritten so you can monitor clicks to these links. Generally speaking, our clients choose;

E.g. at Plezi we use

So send your choices to us at the address, CC’ing the CSM that accompanies you with onboarding. We then declare your sub-domains and send you Plezi’s implementation guide. This document will summarise the necessary information for your webmaster.

Step 2: Create your sub-domains

 The method differs depending on your host (Gandi, Amazon Route 53, OVH):

a) Gandi

To create the different records communicated in the setting file, follow the steps below.

First of all, select the domain with which the chosen sub-domains are as associated.

In the page that appears, in the section “Zone file”, click on “Edit the zone”.

To edit DNS records, you need to create a new version of your settings. Click on the button “Create a new version”.

At the bottom of the screen, click on the button “Add” to add a new record. The follow screen will appear. Then fill in the data provided in the settings document sent by Plezi. Make you sure add a full-stop at the end of the ”Value” field.

You must then repeat this process for all of the records. Our settings file contains seven CNAME records in total. Once the seven records have been added, you need to click on the button “Activate this version” to publish your new records.

b. Amazon Route 53

To create the different records communicated in the settings file, follow the steps below.

First of all, select the zone for which you want to create sub-domains.

Then click on the button “Create a recordset” to successively add the 7 CNAME records you want to create. Save the data as indicated on the screenshot below.

c. OVH

To create the different records communicated in the settings file, follow the steps below.

First of all, select the domain for which you want to create the subdomains.

Then select the tab “DNS Zone” to access the DNS configuration for the chosen domain.

Next, click on the button “Add an entry” in the top right-hand corner of the screen. An assistant will appear. The first step is to select the type of record to create. Select the type “CNAME” and click on the “Next” button.

Enter the information send in the Plezi configuration documents, making sure you add a full-stop at the end of the target field as indicated in the screenshot below.


Then repeat the process to create all of the sub-domains.

Step 3: Confirm with us that your DNS’s have been created successfully

Use whatsmydns to check that your sub-domains have been configured properly (find out more in this article)

All good? Now all you have to do is send a short message to us at so we can finalise the procedure in your procedure.

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