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Which automation scenario to choose?

Educate your contacts with the smart campaign, keep them connected with your NL or push for action with the workflow!

Florent avatar
Written by Florent
Updated over a week ago


  • Smart campaign: have you created your emails ("Automation" tab of your content)?

  • Newsletter: do you regularly publish articles?

  • For the 3 scenarios: have you prepared your contact lists to associate them?

The objective of automation made in Plezi is to save you time.

Thus, after setting up the different scenarios, you will be able to ... forget them!

Which objective for which scenario?

The smart campaign will allow you to nurture your contacts, by sending them the right content (the one whose "tags" match the fields of your contact) at the right time (thus depending on the purchase phase). You will only include in this scenario ultra relevant content, for which you will have created an email, which will automatically leave at the chosen frequency.

The newsletter will allow you to keep in touch with your contacts who have requested it. You will only send them articles that are relevant to them, especially if you choose the rule of choosing articles "according to your contacts' tags".

The workflow comes at a very precise moment: it aims to trigger an action from your contact (making an appointment, downloading a white paper...) and is defined in time, unlike the 2 previous scenarios. You could therefore use it at the end of the buying cycle (and therefore as a direct complement to the intelligent campaign) to push your leads to make an appointment.

What do they have in common?

All these scenarios should help you build your relationship with each of your contacts: you should therefore address them in a personalized way (for example by inserting a "civility" or "first name" merge field) while being generic enough to be reproduced on a large scale.

You need to create & use a smart contact list for each of these scenarios. These lists will automatically update with new contacts that match the defined criteria.

Workflows can take over emails created for smart campaigns (Automation tab). They will of course be editable.

Which scenario should we choose then?

All three of them, of course!

They are complementary: generally, our users start by launching their newsletter, take the time to create white papers and other high value-added content, then insert them into their smart campaign and use the workflow more punctually for specific actions.

Tips & Tricks!

  • To find out all the details of each of these scenarios, take a look at the Marketing Automation Chapter of the Happy Academy.

  • An article read in a newsletter by a contact will not be sent back to him in a smart campaign.

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